#RAINBOWSNIPPETS *~* FEB 13-14, 2016 *~*


Original picture found at http://www.valentinesdayimg .com

Have a Happy Valentine’s! Since it’s the celebration of love and friendship, here is one of Lucas’s and August’s first interactions. And don’t forget to visit the inspiration board for Prescribed Discipline.

“And who said I wanted to buy this picture?”

“You were paying so much attention to it you didn’t realize I stood behind you until I talked. I think the picture calls to you as much as you call to me.

“Pretty sure of yourself, Mr…”

“Savage. Lucas Savage, but you can call me Master when you shout my name, handsome.”

Dr. Danielson turned colliding with Lucas for a second time. Lucas held the doctor’s arms and smiled down at him. “Are you always in such a hurry, Dr. Danielson?”


Rainbow SnippetsRainbow Snippets is a group for LGBTQ+ authors, readers, and bloggers to gather once a week to share six sentences from a work of fiction–a WIP or a finished work or even a 6-sentence book recommendation.


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